Formula Renault 3.5 Wheel

Prints (0)


This wheel has been adapted to 3D printing for use on a Sim with a Quick Release. It uses a 2.4 inch Nextion Screen for the dash and 12mm buttons on the front. There is a panel for a screen and LEDs or just a screen. The paddle shifters are AmStudio's design and a link to them are here:

This is the screen that will fit in the wheel:


I was wondering if it would be worthwhile to print, assemble and sell wheels that I've designed to you guys and others. The wheels would sell for the cost of parts, materials, time and S&H. I would plan to use TPU for the grips to give a rubbery feel and more grip. Also, if people wanted add or change parts then that could be added.

Design Files

File Size

LG Top.stl
1.21 MB
QR Mount.stl
106 KB
RG Bottom.stl
1.39 MB
RG Top.stl
1.25 MB
Button Hub - 3.5.stl
626 KB
Dash Cover.stl
37.4 KB
Dash Cover - No LED.stl
27.4 KB
LG Bottom.stl
1.6 MB
QR 70mm.stl
225 KB
Body - 3.5.stl
890 KB
Back Shell.stl
1.17 MB


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