iGRIP - Apple Pencil tripod Grip

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Experience flow

Hand-product interaction is everything while drawing and creating. Feedback from the tool through our hand allow our thoughts to flow to the drawign and create the lines we envision.

The Apple Pencil is great as an interaction tool. What many complain about is the hand-object connection. The Pencil for some is too smooth and slippery. The iGrip will assist in ugrading and improving the experience. Its ergonomic 3 sided shape, soft organic surfaces will take hand-pencil interaction to a new level. It will not slip, the grip will be consistent and natural. Sketches, ideas, actions will flow without strain.

About this product:

  • Ideal if you naturally hold your pen with 3 fingers (tripod grasp).
  • Designed for right and left handed.
  • Open shape with a thin soft groove, that way it acts as a flexible spring allowing minor issues with 3d printing precision. It also makes it easy to pull in and out or to adjust its position.

Please let me know what you think!

Setup for printing is very easy, best quality in 0,1mm resolution recommended, polish for a smoother experience.

Design Files

File Size

Apple Pencil Grip V04.stl
3.19 MB


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