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These are fenders designed to fit on the front of your new SCX-10 II in the stock configuration. The are extend to match the curve of the installed floor pan to help complete the look and have a more scale appearance.
Front Fenders: To mount you will reuse the front most chassis screw. You will also need 2 - 3x8mm screws to attach the top body post swing lock to the top of each fender.
Rear Fenders: To Mount, you will need 2 - 3x8mm w/lock nut to secure the front of the rear fender to the chassis.
PRINT: Rotate the fenders to print the flat side down. Print 1x Left, 1x Right and 2x Post Clips. PLA, 20% infill, 4 perimeters, 4 top/bottom layers, w/supports