Latte Panda Dev Station

Prints (1)


This is my take on a simple and effective way to house your Latte Panda system for development. It can accommodate both the screen and touch panel and makes it really easy to align the two two together in the frame. You can use some double sided tape or other adhesive to hold the screen in (if you are transporting it around this is a good idea!). Mine sits on my bench 99% of the time so I just have it sitting in the frame. The flat flex cables fold nicely under the circuit board eliminating accidental disconnection.

The mounting holes are sized at 2.9mm and have a chamfer on the top so you can just screw M3x6 (or similar) screws in without tapping if your printer handles small holes reasonably well. I originally had them at 2.8mm and they were printing a little small on my printer so I bumped them up to 2.9mm in the final design.

I kept the lower edge on the bench to help  prevent small parts from working under the base. It is very stable on my bench. If you choose to put bumpers on the bottom to keep it from sliding around, use 5. One on each corner of the base and one at the end of the rear support to maintain stability.

Slice at 0.2 - 0.3mm (0.2 or 0.25 will give best results)

Perimeters 3  (3 top and bottom as well)

Infill 20-25%

Design Files

File Size

Panda Dev.stl
600 KB
273 KB


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