Kreebils - SkaMooo

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SkaMooo is actually a spy for the Moon King!

The other Kreebils don't know it yet, but he's on a mission to get Kreebils back to the moon. Luckily for the Kreebils, SkaMooo isn't very smart and is a big disappointment to the Moon King. SkaMooo loves punk music, marshmallows and cola. He won't admit it, but he actually loves living on Earth!

Who are the Kreebils?

Bravely escaping the rule of the evil and selfish Moon King, the adventurous Kreebils headed off to find a home of fun and kindness. Once they learned about our ways, they realized the place they were looking for was Earth!

The Kreebils are fascinated with music, the internet, television and humans. Nothing makes Kreebils happier than being around the creative thinking and silly energy of kids!

You don't have to feed them or clean up after them, just let them be a part of your life. Whether you play with them or give them a shelf with a view, the Kreebils will be happy to be here in their new home with you!

Find out everything you need to know about the Kreebils at & YouTube!


All 3D printable Kreebils were modeled by the talented Tanya Wiesner

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22.6 MB


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