Medical face shield frame for Loupe wearers

Prints (0)


For surgeons, dentists etc.

This is printable in up to 0.3mm layer height. Created in response to facebook query by a loupe wearer Bianca's  request for a face shield that can be worn with loupes. The design is provisional as I don't have a distance for the existing pivot dimensions however if you use a longer bolt and the same knurled plastic tightening nut I'm confident it will work or can be easily adjusted to make work. Anyone with access to a loupe with frame as per the photograph, please send me the dimensions and I can fine tune if required. Any other emergency medical design issues, please also mail me and I will investigate a design solution.

CV19GD_Lp_WdST36RotV3.stl  has approx 32mm between pivot support struts and is for the loupe in the picture, it also has an additional 10mm clearance from the face to allow better loupe adjustment. CovidLoupeV3.stl is a single print version with no stacking.

CV19GD_Lp_WdST36RotV2.stl  has approx 32mm between pivot support struts and is for the loupe in the picture.

CV19GD_Lp_WdST36Rot.stl has approx 20mm between pivot support struts.

As these are for use with loupes, you will need to pay a lot of attention to remove any dribbles of filament around the edges and be sure to thouroughly disinfect before each use, you do not want to introduce foreign objects or infection into the patients.

Be sure to pass on the special requirements of your print plastic when handing in to your front line authorities, i.e. don't wash PLA with water above 70 degrees celscius, it will deform.

Update: Added a 12 high 3 stack unit with very partial merging to reinforce stack during build.  This stack merging is designed to be broken after completion of the stacks.


Design Files

File Size

14.2 MB
1.13 MB
1.12 MB
14.2 MB
14.3 MB


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