COVID Storm Trooper Mask

Prints (0)




In the wake of this pandemic sweeping the globe, I find myself with a lot more tinker time than usual. Given the need for medical grade masks being so high at the moment, the thought of 3D printing them is an obvious choice to many. Clearly this mask is not going to offer the kind of protection a certified N95 mask would but its a great way for healthy people to take the burden off the supply AND keep busy!

In combination with 3M furnace filters of a virus/bateria rating you can make a quick and easy starwars mask, and make your friends laugh and slightly envious.

Wish I could do more but this is the best I can think of for now besides staying home.

Be safe everyone!


Made a quick video to demo how to make the filters and form the mask, really sorry for the vid quality but its just something I did quick.  

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Here's a list of stuff you'll need for the build.

Reccommended Materials:

3M Furnace Filter (Bacteria/Virus Grade)


White PLA


Black PLA


3D Printer - Ender 3 (cheap option)


Rubber Bands


Print at a minimum of 200 microns or the resolution of the threads may effect the function. Thread the caps to the mask to help maintain the integrity of the threads then use very hot water to bend the mask to fit your face, similar to a cast. If you make a mistake just re-dip the mask or decals in hot water and form it again. No support needed for the mask itself, support recommended for the cap unless you wanna torture test and can bridge cleanly.

If you wanted to make any donations I pretty much refuse to support PayPal, so I've listed my crypto wallets for Bitcoin and Ethereum instead. 

Bitcoin - 3FigXCWXwUENTsWZosfNoZqZoGtfEjGgEJ

Ethereum - 0x4B7686A8C420B6b193295C01f5e4A2c1e60a32eC 

Thanks in advance I hope to be able to post more frequently! :)

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Design Files

File Size

Decal Left.stl
25.3 KB
Decal Right.stl
25.3 KB
Trooper Filter 1.stl
142 KB
EVO Trooper Mask V2.stl
3.12 MB
Mouth Decal.stl
21.4 KB
Trooper Cap.stl
3.05 MB


8 hrs printing for a childs face instead for a grown person. nice idea, but it's not close to yours on your picture.
Reply5 years ago
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