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This is a small bird feeder for small birds.
Inside is a dispenser that can hold bird seed.
At first I thought that it was to small. Even little sparrows cannot sit on it.
So I was thinking to print this model 150% bigger. But after two days they found a way to pick out the seeds in mid air. After 3 days there were even some sparrows that manage to hold them selfs to the base for a few seconds while eating from it. It's very nice to see the birds in my garden adapt to different situations. I made many constructions, bird houses and feeders in the past, you see. It will never get old to see them find ways to get to the food :-). Also the mice are super funny :-)
But If you find this Bird Feeder to small you could print it 150%. Keep in mind that you have to use M6 nuts and treaths instead of M4 when you do this. At 100% this object is about 160mm high.
All parts are printed in PLA except for the “dispenser mid VASE MODE NO BOTTOM.stl”. That one is printed in translucent PET-G. This part is printed using the “spiral outer contour mode” in Cura without a bottom (zero bottom layers). The other parts are printed normal with 20% infill and 4 wall, top & bottom layers with a 0,4mm nozzle. Support material is not needed and the parts are already in the right position to print.
The roof parts are glued and I wanted to do this also with the base parts and the white bottom of the dispenser but didn't :-). The base parts and pillars clicked so good together that it was not needed.
If you do it's much easier to fill it up with new seed dough :-).
what you need to make this thing (printing it in 100% scale):
1X M3x160mm threated rod
2X M3 nut
1X tube of super glue
2X base.stl
1X dispenser top.stl
1X dispenser bottom.stl
1X dispenser mid VASE MODE NO BOTTOM 0.4mm.stl
1X nut holder bottom partA.stl
1X nut holder bottom partB.stl
2X nut holder top.stl
1X pillars.stl
1X roof inside wedge.stl
2X roof part.stl
1X roof top ring.stl
If you have any questions, feel free to ask :-)
If you think I made a mistake of forgot anything, please inform me :-)