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Summary I took aspects from both of the deck boxes and and meshed them into a solution I was happy with. I'm still making improvements and will post files here as I finalize them. The two STL files will hold a Magic the Gathering deck with sideboard (75 cards) if single sleeved. There's even room for tokens. If they are double sleeved then only 60 cards will fit. If you want different set symbols on the Library part or tombstones in the Graveyard, let me know and I can add a file with them. I am working on a box that can hold a single sleeved EDH deck (100 cards). This remix is compatible with the other two if you want to mix and match for your own style. See the photos - blue are Redmage's design and green are mine. Red shows the san serif printing of 1993 in Roman numerals. This works much better than the serif printing. Note. The pitting on my prints is due to a partially clogged extruder. The prints should otherwise come out pristine. Print Settings Printer Brand: Wanhao Printer: Wanhao Duplicator i3 V2 Rafts: Doesn't Matter Supports: Doesn't Matter Resolution: .2mm Infill: 20% Notes: A higher infill will make it more durable if desired. 20% has been fine so far for me. Post-Printing Depending on print settings there may be a lot of stringing. A small file and tweeers will be helpful. How I Designed This Alterations to the original files done in TinkerCAD.