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Benjamin's lunar rover is made to go with Benjamin's rocket which is available on this site. Search for "BENJAMIN'S ROCKET.
The astronaut file is included in this group. The astronauts should be printed in PLA using either .1 or .2 layer height and two to three shells. I used 20% infill. It should be printed standing up with the feet on the bed. no supports are required but the cooling fan should be on for the entire print as there are a number of small overhangs. If available in your slicing software use inside-out printing.
The lunar rover can hook up to as many trailers as you want to make!
The center of the wheels can be made using soft filament or you can use rubber square O-rings for traction on smooth floors. The trailers are made to hold the water and oxygen tanks and containers which are available free on this site. Search for "BENJAMIN'S SUPPLY TANKS, CONSOLES AND CONTAINERS".