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This is an automatic turning platform for 3d scanning with a cellphone along a 380mm diameter circle. The turning mechanism is activated by a servo controlled by an Arduino board in a specific sequence which makes pauses to activate the cellphones camera with the bluetooth remote controll. The servo tower can be easily removed to activate the mechanism with the handle.
The platform is too big to be printed in one piece. One of my goal with this design was not to use any glue or screws.... ONLY 3D printing. Therefore, i developed diffrent kinds of snaps and shapes to attach parts together.
Electronics parts:
-Arduino UNO r3 ( M.duino UNO r3)
-YwRobot Relay (you can use a 2 channel relay but i only had a 4 channel in my hands.)
-Generic Bluetooth smartphone selfy remote control
-TowerPro Micro Servo 9g. (Iconverted the servo to be able to do a continuous turning)
You can find the parts list wich includes the parts data such as printing time, estimated filament needed, pricing, and number of peaces needed for each part. The numbers of the pieces are referenced in the 3D rendering of the seperate parts.
You can also find the arduino code in the download files.
Assembly experiance:
I have tested each snap and assembly on partial prints and they all worked fine. When printing bigger peaces it changes the temperature and therefore the prints are not exactly as the one tested. Therefore i had to file some of the round snap knobs (the long ones) to prevent them from breaking when snapping them with other parts. When assembling the top ring, putting the snaps together only rigidify when both sides are snapped correctly. Althow i did'nt want to use any glue, i chickened out on that top ring and put glue in the snap holes before inserting the small "C" clamps.
If some turning parts are to snuggled, you can put just a tini bit of Jig-a-loo and turn the parts to spread and dry it.
Here is a video of it in action and the result model. :)