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better files for BIGGER 3D Printers
a new sliced file - supplied by Youtuber UncleJessy4Real
I am VENGENCE, I am the NIGHT, I am BATMAN!!!!
Fight crime and save your neighborhood from all the evil doers lurking in the shadows.
One person can make a difference
Click below and watch this cowl come to life by awesome DIY'er UncleJessy4Real . AMAZING VIDEO!!!
Give him a like and a subscribe on youtube and a follow on twitter. He has awesome projects!!
-Do not upload on other sites-
Please respect the model and the artist that upload their work.
Please help support an artist and donate whatever you can.
Help bring new content faster with a little assistance.
-For Personal Use Only-
If you would like to print these to sell please contact me on twitter - we can work something out.