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SummaryA couple of elf rangers for your tabletop gaming enjoyment! DLP methods should yield some good results, though if you're a proficient printer who consistently gets support material to work for you, go for it, and POST PICS! I want to see this guy printed. For anyone browsing this that wants the models but doesn't have access to a printer, 3D Hubs printsfolk might be able to do that for you (just click the link to the side) or you can get a pretty affordable print from Shapeways here. This character was modeled as a commission for a customer and is also useful in our sci-fantasy tabletop RPG, Wayfarer: Things Beyond Wonder and for Wayfarer Tactics, along with any other game that uses heroic scale models. For an 18mm version, this guy should work nicely. We've set up a Patreon page for anyone who's interested to help fund us so we can keep making free and open sourced games like Pocket-Tactics, Wayfarer Tactics. and others, not to mention the growing catalog of gaming miniatures that you can use for whatever you want! (Psst... we take requests and commissions...) Enjoy!