27 Reviews

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Avatar small By Jinbuhm Kim on Oct 20 2016
Pros & Cons of MOD-t

PROS - Cost effective - Excellent design - Wi-Fi enabled - Easy to use

CONS - Only available PLA - Small build volume - Limitted software function

Small 12985353 10207416985637522 3613323959791146272 n By Bill Loguidice on Oct 24 2016
Good quality with high ease-of-use for a 3D printer


  • High print quality
  • Auto calibration
  • Great price
  • Looks good on a desktop
  • Connection over USB or wifi
  • Newcomer friendly


  • Wifi interface is inconsistent
  • Not easy to track down configuration files/settings for popular slicing software
  • Relatively limited content library in the New Matter store
  • Short AC adapter cord
  • No on/off button; if it’s plugged in, it’s on
  • Only includes a half roll of filament
Small 1798171 10203255955502301 730725594 n By gary_laguna on Jan 09 2017
Affordable to get started

Purchased on sale as part of new matter's Christmas promotion. Seems good value for the price. First prints failed until I roughed up the printing plate. Success in following prints. My first 3D printer.

Avatar small By Jeutnarg on Jan 06 2017
Works OK, but annoying ecosystem

Well, the first builds went okay, but if you want to use slic3r software you're in for a rough day. Initial settings were crazy and damage my printer a little, and once I got that straightened out I've still had lots of trouble with prints. I've had some good ones, though, so for it's price it's decent.

Avatar small By LadyLioness on Dec 01 2016
Affordable and easy to use



Easy to understand

simple interface

Decent prints

uses eco friendly pla

Has a complete and clear cover to keep printing area clean and uninterrupted

can pause prints


only uses pla

Need to upload through their online store to print

Cannot link printer up to separate user accounts, have to share a library with others, making it almost impossible (unless you link and unlink and relink printer to different accounts) to surprise a household member with a gift.

Print plate isnt heated, and even a prepped plate can sometimes have a project slide off plate and cause a bit of havoc with more delicate designs

cannot make super smooth texture

on if plugged in

Avatar small By Tim Reynolds on Oct 29 2016
Perfect unit for starting with 3D printing

Price is amazing.  I spent more on my color laser we have at home.  Love that I don't have to calibrate the unit. Since the head only moves up and down, the unit can do a self calibration with the printing base.  Unit is pretty quiet and does not produce unpleasant other words, it can be used in your home office without being obnoxious. Print quality is good, not perfect, but the results are very nice.  I've printed a number of different things and only had one an issue, which I caught very early in the print process and was able to cancel the job.  The printer is not fast, and I knew there would be some trade offs for an inexpensive unit.  My biggest complaint is the filament sometimes gets 'stuck' after a print job.  It sometimes takes two runs of the process to extract the filament before it actually works.  I've seen a number of people online who have had this same issue, and I hope New Matter addresses this in a future version.  I believe it is more a hardware issue than a software/firmware issue.  But, it hasn't caused any major hardship and I am still thoroughly enjoying the unit.  Very glad I purchased it. 


Still loving this printer, but wanted to add a tip for those thinking of buying the larger 1kg spools.  The default mounting for the spool holder does not work very well for 1kg spools.  Because they are twice as heavy, while also being wider than a 1/2kg spool, they do not unwind filament as easily.  I had a couple print jobs "complete" as far as the printer was concerned, but only half printed since the filament wasn't being fed into the unit anymore.  Easy fix is to take the spool stand off the printer and turn it 90 degrees so the filament comes off the bottom and straight to the hole where it feeds into the printer.  I have not had any issues with it since.

Small 16114606 10206317545178033 3571641869897632982 n By Rey Alicea on Jan 29 2017
An excelent value for a low end 3D printer

Good quality, easy to use and affordable desktop 3D printer.  I love my MOD - t

Small sc1 By renderbydavid on Jun 05 2017
Messes up a whole lot

The print bed shifts a lot of the time, which throws off the position of the print, and does not stop until you stop it. 

Only way to turn off or anything really is to unplug it everytime.

Website and Application are very buggy.

It is easy to use all though the instructions that came with it where very confusing as if they haven't updated them or I got a old machine sent to me. Basically there where two different instructions on web and in paper, and the gif tutorials did not explain anything, had to figure it all out on my own.

Customer support response could take more than 2 days.

To be honest I think they made the interaction with it too minimal, which would make the user depend more on the machine than actually taking control with your very own settings.

These are just the problems I faced and letting you know if your reading this and thinking about purchasing. 

Small 19224820 1417840601632696 2353972414220506983 n By joseph_morse on Jul 11 2017
Good entry level printer

Well this is the third printer I've gotten from Mod T(New Matter). The first was screwed up so I returned it and the second nearly caught on fire. Customer service guys were helpful and awesome and knowledgeable. Small build volume and an unheated build surface really limit what can be done on here. It was great to learn the basics but if this is something your really going to get into then you will find your going to outgrow this machine quite fast. 

Avatar small By fred888 on Jul 20 2017
Basic Printer to get started with

I backed this printer in a crowdfunding campaign in 2015/2016 and acquired it shipped for about £230 . At the time the price point made it a good value option and it still is. After printing for one year and many tweaks with the settings in Cura, I have managed to get print reasonably good prints from it fairly reliably and regularly. However I have already needed to replace the hot end shortly after the first year, and I do not intend to spend any more money repairing it. I would rather put the same money into buying a replacement that has higher accuracy and serviceability.

Today it wouldn't be a good printer to get compared to other printers available in the same price range.

MOD-t Prints 17

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