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This is an 8 key multi key holder that does not use any external hardware. 100% 3D printed. It does use some support only because the bottom plate needs to be printed on its side so the pins are stronger. You may need to use shim washers (stl's included) to give the keys a friction fit. Not all keys have the same widths. I had to use two shim washers per side. I also included key place holder spacers just in case you don't have a total of 8 keys that you want to hold. I also included a blank top plate If you don't want the MyKeys logo on the top plate. You may need to file the insides of the clip surfaces if the fit is too tight on the pins.
To use load 4 keys on each pin on the bottom plate, Place the top plate on top of the keys, then slide the clips on. If the keys seem loose and there is not a good friction fit then use some shims.
****** UPDATE ******
Good News! I have successfully printed MyKeys with a shorter print time. Time was cut in half. See the last 4 pictures with the faster print settings. Note: This worked for me on my printer and results may vary.
Print time with faster settings: 2 hours 45 minutes for top plate, bottom plate, 2 clips, 2 dual shims, 2 025 shim washers, and 6 085 key place holders.
Material used: 10.27 meters, 31 grams
3D Printing Details
Printer Used: Creality CR-10 V2 Material Used: eSun's silver PLA Plus Scale: Set scale for each piece to 2540
For print settings and print time see pictures. I also included a picture showing the slicer preview and the orientation of the parts for printing. I recommend that the bottom plate is printed on its side to make the pins stronger. However you can print however you like.
Print shims with a skirt.