Star Wars Inspired Mandalorian Deathwatch I-Gauntlet


Prints (0)


This is a CUSTOM Star Wars INSPIRED Mandalorian Deathwatch Gauntlet... This is my custom design any sharing of the files outside of personal use 1 time print is prohibited. These files have already been tested and prototyped many times everything works great... This version is compatible with the IPHONE 6 SE (no others from the "6" line that I know of fit) also fits IPHONE and I TOUCH 5 series... I do have other versions in the making (design and prototyping process) to incorperate other devices and smart phones ... If you have any questions feel free to ask.

Design Files

File Size Body Part 4 of 4 STL File.STL
69.2 KB Connector STL File.STL
282 KB Body Part 3 of 4 STL File.STL
586 KB Body Part 2 of 4 STL File.STL
95.5 KB Gauntlet End Cap STL File.STL
618 KB 5th Gen STL File.STL
291 KB Body Part 1 of 4 STL File.STL
361 KB STL File.STL
7.11 KB


Eddie Y
This looks cool. You should make a pipboy version of this.
Reply10 years ago
I actually am now (: I had alot of friends tell me the same thing... should be done soon (:
Reply10 years ago
randy_thrasher ii
How hard would it be to tweek the design to fit a galaxy s6?
Reply10 years ago
dwayne Simmons
If you make one for the lg g3 its sold ill take one in black please
Reply9 years ago
is this print also for the iphome 4?
Reply9 years ago
Jacob Gunnell
This would be awesome with android. Maybe have a boss of the mando logo.
Reply9 years ago
Kevin Knypstra
Amazing! If/when you make a list Android version please let me know. Totally want this for my Droid Turbo 2.
Reply9 years ago
cool can u make one for a iphone 6 s plus or 7 if possible
Reply8 years ago
Is that one-size-fits-all?
Reply8 years ago
Chris Kelley1
I have large wrists so can I get the wrist dimensions please. Also I really really need a iphone 6+ sized gauntlet. Lastly my browser crashed the first time I wrote this comment so if it doubles up im sorry.
Reply8 years ago
ELX Striker
cool! are u making any versions for the samsung brands?
Reply8 years ago
can u make one to samsung a3
Reply8 years ago
If you make one to fit a Samsung Note 5 I will be here take my money
Reply8 years ago
Squelf_ The_Elf
does it work i phone 6?
Reply7 years ago
there are about six places that do not have the basics .. for print .. the printer can not print on the air pocket. It has to wash the support of another layer ...please send it to me or send your money back thanx..
Reply7 years ago
willan costa
do you have a model for s9plus? i will be glad if you have
Reply6 years ago
Reply5 years ago
Mark Hatfield
Is this able to fit an iPhone 11 SE? And if Id gladly buy one if someone is able to make it!!
Reply5 years ago
Vengent Venom
Hello, is there any way I can get this for free? I was wondering because I am a young creator and I do not have and income source except the money on holidays and I am already saving for something else. If I can please get back to me by replying on this or emailing me at: Thank you for your thought on this offer. If you can not do this could you make a free version of it?
Reply4 years ago
are the design files available (say fusion 360) so it can be adjusted for other phones?
Reply4 years ago
Reply2 years ago
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