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Summary Hopper for vertical orientation with dump shoot. Holds 1 Kg of PLA pellets. Edit 12/4/2014: Rotated files for best printing orientation. I been using this for 2 months now with out any issues. Edit 12/28/2014 Added Shoot for official Filastruder case (HopperShootForFilastruderHousing.stl). I do not have this case so can not test. please leave feedback if you tried it and how well it works. Added hopper extension for those really long runs. Instructions All parts can print without support except for HopperShoot.stl Hopperlower parts need to be ABS or better and I recommend using 2 mm walls or thicker and 25% or greater fill on Hopper lower. All other parts can be PLA if desired. I used natural PLA so that I could see the pellet level with out opening the lid. I used @ .8mm wall and 15% fill for the PLA parts.