Zheng3 Penny Catapult

Prints (-1)


Hark! A new project appears on the horizon! Dungeon Blocks is the latest and greatest 3D printing Kickstarter from Zheng Labs! Give it a look and spread the word! http://www.zheng3.com/2012/05/15/the-penny-catapult/ Here's a basic torsion catapult. It uses one or more elastic bands to launch a U.S. penny if you print it at 1:1 scale. You probably won't get enough torque to be impressive with fewer than 3 bands. Penny not included!

Design Files

File Size

3.31 MB


I just printed this off and it turned out great as expected. I am just wondering the best way to rig the elastics to work with this. Do you have another picture or any tutorial on the best way to do it?
Reply10 years ago
Andrew Claasen
If you raised the whole thing up higher onto a platform or something and added a guide of some sort for the arm the arm wouldn't hit the ground during launch and would result it much better performance.
Reply10 years ago
These are all very valid concerns! Some of them have been addressed in the updated catapult, part of the Seej Starter Set. https://pinshape.com/items/4097-3d-printed-2013-seej-starter-set
Reply10 years ago
This is the base broken out of the Zheng3 Penny Catapult. This model doesn't contain the throwing arm. Car Games
Reply2 years ago
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