Teach electricity with water

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Il est difficile de comprendre les phénomènes électriques comme par exemple :

2 résistances d’un Ohm chacune associées en série forment une résistance globale de 2 Ohms quand 2 résistances associées en dérivation n’en font qu’un demi.

Cette équation semble abstraite mais est facilement démontrable grâce à l’analogie hydraulique. Ce projet vise donc à pouvoir expliquer aux élèves ces différentes lois avec une série de composants.


It's difficulte to understand the electrical phenomena as this exemple :

2 resistances, 1 Ohm to each, in a series circuit make 2 Ohms globale resistance when 2 resistances in a bypass circuit make 0.5 Ohms resistance.

This equation seems abstract but is easily demonstrable with the hydraulic analogy. Ce projet vise donc à pouvoir expliquer aux élèves ces différentes lois avec une série de composants.


Project: Teach electricity with hydraulic

Project Name:

Teach electricity with hydraulic

Overview & Background:

This project aims to teach students the electrical phenomena by comparing fluid phenomena.


This project aims to better explain to students electrical phenomena, including current and voltage matters. But the interest does not stop there, this permit to use 3D printers by students and introduce them to 3D modeling. For example, they could create new components such as diodes, transistors ...


This project is dedicated from 11 to 17 years old, particularly for middle school 8th grade whose electricity in physics and chemistry program is the intensity and tension in France.


  • Science
  • Physical-chemistry
  • Technology

Skills Learned (Standards):

  • Testing
  • Results interpretation,
  • Working group

Lesson / Activity:


I am not a teacher and I have no experience in this area but I think that a teacher could spend about 4 hours on this activity by having graphics students and other exercise simultaneously. It take too many hours to print all parts and one half-hours to put together all the part.


Students should have some basic theoretical bases on electricity that is to say about the various major components of a circuit and main principles.

Material :

  • The 3D printed part (make several resistance)
  • O-rings (8.9 x 14.3 X 2.7 mm)
  • 2 plastics bottles
  • transparent tube (diameter 10)

Rubric & Assessment:

Students succed when they understand the link between hydraulic and electricity and when they imagine more think that they can print too to improve the hydraulic circuit ( i.e : switch, diodes, condensator... ). They could be assessed by some questions on the relationship between electricity and fluids and by their research.

Design Files

File Size

34.6 MB


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