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SMARS acronym of “Screwless/Screwed Modular Assemblable Robotic System” is a simple robot designed to the educational field. The main features of SMARS are the reduced number of components, the possibility of mount it without screws and without soldering any part, it doesn’t need glue or similar and it’s really cheap to build. Another main point of SMARS is the modular design. You can mount different sensors and tools and design your own parts. In future I’ll add new modules or DLC to improve the model but It would be nice if you could share your mods too.
To build the basic model (with “chassis -SL.stl”) you just need few extra components:
-2x mini 150RPM motors
-1x 9[V] battery (you can find it in a local shop)
-1x 9[V] battery connector or
-1x Arduino UNO or 2009 or
-1x Adafruit Motor Shield V1 or V2
or an L298P motor shield
For the screwed version ( “chassis -S.stl”) you just need two 25mm M4 screws and two self locking nuts.
The joints of the tracks are simply pieces of 1.75mm filament cutted at the right length.
To assemble the screwless version you will need a multi slip-joint gripping plier to insert the “slave wheels”.
One of the next DLC will be the Quadpod mod. if you are interessted to move from tracks to legs, use the screwed version “chassis-S.stl” (“chassis-SL” will not be compatible)!
These models fits also:
-3x AAA batteries (check on my profile for the DLC)
-1x PS3 controller 1800mAh 3.7V Li-Ion Battery (be careful and use it only if you know what you are doing!)
This lesson plan was a submission in the Create to Educate lesson plan contest with MatterHackers, sponsored by Ultimaker