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Fran is a personal stop motion Project inspired by ‘Bride of Frankenstein’.
She is create and dismantled, living a very short life.
She is made up of 28 parts in total, including her separate faces and different sized hearts.
The brain is optional – I used it for the motion for building her up– you normally can’t see it under the hair.
The eyes have a simple 5 piece rig-It is important to cure it well after printing for it to move smoothly.
The face is split from the chin line. Usually it would be including the chin for the character to be able to open it’s mouth wider, but in this case, using only resin with no flexible material or other parts, it was easier to make the neck joint this way.
For the neck, I wrapped the ball joint part with foil before sticking on the 2 chin parts around it to make it more rigit and easy to control.
The heart comes in 3 sizes to give a beat effect.
------Note: the eye caps might need slight adjusting for the eyes to fit through the holes smoothly so it’s easier sticking them to the chin with her face on to be able to test it. I also used milliput to make them more sturdy.
For painting the face, I used a pen for the stitches and no shading on the face to make it look smooth through changing.
After that it’s ready to test for stop motion! J
Here is a link to the video and test animations of Fran: