Prints (-3)
Latch on cooler broke so I made a new one. Printed with Taz 5 with FlexyDually printhead, Uses 1 meter of NinjaFlex and 4 Meters of ABS. "Everywhere support" setting required. Takes about 3.5 hours to print. I overlapped the NinjaFlex and ABS models about 1mm which fuses them together for a strong binding. I found it necessary to pause at layer 14 to extrude the second head that has the NinjaFlex in preparation for quality fexible print. Ooze shield also necessary.
If using Cura be sure to load CoolerClaspSolid first then CoolerClaspFlex and then right click on solid to choose dual extrusion merge.
In the end i got a clasp that is much stronger and longer lasting than the original.