Fidget Spinners-- Unstable/Stable Hurricanes

Prints (1)


Here are some new spinners I've been working on lately. This download contains two spiral-based spinners, and bearing caps with a spiral design. The Unstable Hurricane model is the bouncy one; slightly off-balance (by design) to create a  vibration in your hand when spinning (hence the name: Unstable Hurricane). If you do not desire the vibration-feedback of the Unstable Hurricane spinner, the download also includes the Stable Hurricane model that is balanced, and still delivers the spiral effect. These are called the Hurricane spinners because their spiral nature reminds me of hurricane symbols on the National Weather Service @

NOTE: The center hole fits a standard 22mm bearing, the outer rings fit nickles (See pictures). This is by deign to provide extra weight on the outer edges of the spinner while still allowing the user to propel the model using their fingers.  If you are RIGHT HANDED,  the nickels should tilt UP in the direction of the spiral design on the bearing caps. If you are LEFT HANDED, the nickles should tilt DOWN in the direction of the spiral on the bearing caps.  See pictures for more information. 

Depending on the printer and slicer used, some outer edges of the spiral patterns may print slower due to nature of the arc. 

Have a nice day!


Design Files

File Size

Stable Hurricane.stl
8.96 MB
Unstable Hurricane--Bouncy.stl
5.28 MB
Spiral caps.stl
1.97 MB


Developer Update: Price Drop: FREE
Reply8 years ago
Developer Update: Price Raise to $1.30
Reply8 years ago
Developer Update: Price Drop: FREE
Reply8 years ago
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