PARAMETRIC Assistive Handle for a better grip on knobs

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Summary Here's the story : Sometimes you want to have a shower and wash your hair, sometimes you don't need to wash your hair. So you unscrew a knob that lets you adjust the height of the shower head, that's if you can grip it, some can no more, that's what this design is about : Helping people gripping knobs. Enjoy, and keep 3D printing useful by helping someone with this. Print Settings Printer: Prusa i3 Hephestos Rafts: No Supports: No Resolution: .3 Infill: 10 Notes: Depending on the length of your handle, you should use a brim if you don't have a heated bed. How I Designed This It's basically an OpenScad script, it might lack comments but well, feel free to add them yourself !

Design Files

File Size

62.6 KB


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