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Summary As I already have installed the two dvd holders on the headrest of my car, I adapted them to support iPads. The design is robust enough to withstand use by kids and doesn't need screws, only a rubber band for the upper support. This is my first design; and I'll like to thank Obijuan (Juan Gonzalez Gomez) for his excellent FreeCAD tutorials. Adaptador de soporte para dvd portatil hacia ipad con gancho opcional para auriculares. Como ya tengo instalado en los reposacabezas del coche dos soportes para DVD, he creado una adaptador para poder usarlos con IPAD. El diseño es robusto para que pueda aguantar el uso de niños y no necesita tornillos, solamente una goma elastica para el soporte superior. Fuentes de FreeCAD en: Es es mi primer diseño con FreeCAD; y me gustaria agadecer a Obijuan (Juan González Gómez) por sus excelentes tutoriales de FreeCAD. Print at YOUR OWN RISK, Neither the creator of this object nor is responsible for anything that happens because you printed this object! Instructions Printed in PLA, with support structure .