Wire spool holder

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Summary This holds wire spools, keeping them neat and allowing easy access to sizes and colors. The holes in the end provide a place to store pencils, tweezers, odds and ends. In the WireSpoolHolder version, if you set skeinforge to a dense fill, the bottom will be heavier than the top, providing extra stability. Also, you can attach sticky sided velcro to the bottom for added holding down to a desktop. Instructions There are two versions, WireSpoolHolder has a fill in the bottom third to add some extra weight there. WireSpoolHolderShell has no fill in the bottom. Print the file twice and then connect the notches with a 5 mm diameter rod and put the wire spools on the rod. I uploaded both the Sketchup format files and the stl output files.

Design Files

File Size

9.75 KB
10.3 KB


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