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Summary This is my interpretation of ThinkGeek's April Fools 2016 product, the Star Trek White Noise Sleep Machine. Printing was the easy part; doing all the finish work to make it look like it was actually from The Next Generation was another story entirely. I documented the build in an imgur gallery, which should help if anyone wants to attempt building their own version. I also have a demonstration video on YouTube which shows the lights and some of the software functions: Print Settings Printer Brand: Printrbot Printer: Simple Black Rafts: No Supports: No Resolution: 0.2 - 0.3mm Infill: 10 - 35% Notes: If you want to print your own, you'll need to print all three base_ pieces at a decent infill and whatever layer height you have the patience for. I did 35% at 0.3 layers. For the cube you need 7 copies of cube_cell, and one of cube_base and cube_core. These should all be printed in a translucent or glow in the dark filament, and at a low infill if there will be LED lighting added. You will also need 4 copies of cube_pin, and 28 copies of cube_spacer. If you want to do the electronics you'll also need led_mount, and the control panel with the switch openings. If you want to do a print without the electronics, use the blank control panel and just screw the cube right to the top of the base.