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This is my interpretation of the "Star Trek White Noise Machine" that ThinkGeek put up as their 2016 April Fools product. It includes an internal Bluetooth speaker and LED lighting, which when combined with the "LCARS UI" Android application, gives a pretty close approximation to what the product would be like if it was real. Short of the whole projecting stars on the ceiling thing, anyway.
A full build write-up is available on the Imgur gallery, which deals mainly with the finish and assembly work that went into the final product.
To see the dock in action, check out the demo video on YouTube.
If you want to print your own, you'll need to print all three base_ pieces at a decent infill and whatever layer height you have the patience for. I did 35% at 0.3 layers.
For the cube you need 7 copies of cube_cell, and one of cube_base and cube_core. These should all be printed in a translucent or glow in the dark filament, and at a low infill if there will be LED lighting added. You will also need 4 copies of cube_pin, and 28 copies of cube_spacer.
If you want to do the electronics you'll also need led_mount, and the control panel with the switch openings. If you want to do a print without the electronics, use the blank control panel and just screw the cube right to the top of the base.