Dr Devil Predator UAV possible RC v1

Prints (1)



Site : https://d-3d.fr


Project for possible RC with an EDF jet engine, 

This is a little prototype of the project and the v2 coming later. 

Thx for watching and to tell me what you think.

Don't forget to follow me ;)



Projet pour un avion RC propulsé par EDF, 

Ceci est un prototype en version réduite la V2 viendra plus tard.

Merci d'être passé par ici et de me laisser votre avis en com.

Pensez à me suivre ;)

Design Files

File Size

AileT D 01.stl
202 KB
AileT D 02.stl
130 KB
AileT G 01.stl
202 KB
AileT G 03.stl
106 KB
Predator 01.stl
602 KB
Aileron D.stl
62.6 KB
Aileron G.stl
62.6 KB
AileT D 03.stl
106 KB
AileT G 02.stl
130 KB
Predator 01-2.stl
297 KB
Predator 02.stl
830 KB
Predator 03.stl
522 KB
Predator 04.stl
541 KB


I cant se any posting date but i hope it is work in progress , i would love an rc predator with a wingspan arround 2 meters , god luck with the project
Reply6 years ago
Amazing work. Wow.....
Reply5 years ago
Hello I am Debbie.we can do it for you,and we have our own industrial 3D printing machine/vacuum machine,can change the color on the surface.please email us when you needed:gaojiemodelsales01@163.com. would give you response soon.
Reply4 years ago
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