Prints (2)
EDIT- Since pinshape is having long term technical problems that prevents purchases I have moved everything over to Cults 3D here: https://cults3d.com/en/3d-mode...
BoosterPack is a portable configurable light-duty clamp-on device that gives your bike an electric boost! This is the set of 18 unique files that are used to build your very own "Bicycle BoosterPack" as seen on EngineerDog.com! (STL files available exclusively on Pinshape.com) (Note: The BoosterPack Mini is simply another configuration of these files, it just uses fewer of them. )
Assembly instructions:
On instructables here: http://bit.ly/1VDOFUo
New Video Series here: http://bit.ly/1ssRrQL
Printing Notes:
**Parts must be printed in the orientation they appear when you load them!
**Post processing of files (such as threading holes) will be necessary. (thread holes in PLA underwater to prevent heat warp)
**These files are all guaranteed printable in ABS and PLA.
**Please refer to the chart in the attached images for printing settings: (NOTE: All parts should have a minimum of 3 perimeters on all sides! Also, more infill than I've recommended couldn't hurt!)
**Associated Full Hardware kit sold here: https://engineerdog.com/store/boosterpack-hardware-kit/
**Associated MINI Version Kit sold here: https://engineerdog.com/store/...
**Associated Printed parts Available by request: https://engineerdog.com/store/