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Three robotic figures designed with classic video game character archetypes in mind.
The first, cyclops oval shaped robot, is a scout/ medic support for the team. The second, tank bot, is the heavy, slow, armor plated fortress with a cannon and turret. The third, bipedal walker bot, is the quick, nimble soldier robot equipped with light weaponry and high maneuverability.
All parts print without supports, however the SoldierLegs.stl includes its own custom support to avoid multiple files for the two legs. Also, the Minionlegs.stl should be printed upside down with its top on the print bed and its feet in the air, with a brim or raft.
Default size is around 50mm tall, and is as small as possible for the more detailed parts.
My minifigures were printed on a Printrbot Simple Metal using white Hatchbox 1.75mm PLA, at a resolution of .2 with a slow print speed of around 30 mm/s for detailed parts like the soldier legs and the minion legs.
Individual character models will be uploaded to my page soon!
I would love to see your prints of my robots, and any modifications you add to make them look different!
Print Settings-
Rafts: Doesn't Matter
Supports: No
Resolution: .2 mm
Some assembly required... All parts slide together and will require some hot glue to stay in place.