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SummaryA few years ago, I designed a game called “Board Dominoes” which was sold online at website and thru my own website. I still play the game often with friends and family and everyone loves it. Someone recently asked me if I was still selling the game and it dawned on me that now that I had a 3D printer, I could actually make a newer version of it in plastic and share it with those who have access to a 3D printer. Since the 3D version would not be played on a game board any longer, I have renamed the game “Double Domino Havoc” in honor of how I have come to learn the game is actually played. You will learn this too should you decide to print it. The game comes in two sizes, but I am only sharing the travel size version here since it can be printed in one print operation. Each rack takes approximately 7 hours to print and the number of racks you print depends on how many players are going to play the game (up to 8). I prefer the numbered dominoes versus the ones with dots. The dominoes are not included in the 3D print. You can purchase a Mexican Train Fun Size Numbered Dominoes double 12 set for use with up to 8 players or a double nine set for playing with four to six players. The 3D print creates a single rack which contains sections for holding dominoes. You will need one rack for each person who wishes to play. The object of the game is simple, be the first person to move 6 dominoes from the tray area of the rack to play zone. But winning the game is not as easy as it sounds. Read the rules of doubles to learn why. InstructionsPrinted at .25mm with infill of 25% and no supports required. The rack comes in 3 pieces, so you will have to glue them together. I use ABS plastic filament, so I glue it with PVC pipe cement. The center direction arrows can also be glued together to form a single element. The direction arrows come in handy for remembering the player rotation order which changes frequently throughout the game. The game rules follow: Rules for Double Domino Havoc (Previously known as Board Dominoes) Double Domino Havoc is an addicting game of skill and cshance that is simple to play, but difficult to win. The objective is quite simple. Move 6 dominoes from your tray area to the 6 spaces above it as you draw tiles from the boneyard or optionally from the face up tiles at the top of each players domino rack, all the time while discarding a tile to keep a fixed number of dominoes in play. The first person to move their six dominoes from the tray area to the center section of their rack is the winner of the round. The number of rounds can be any agreed upon number to make up a single game. A full size (2”x 1”) set of Double 12 Dominoes (Not Included!) is required for play with 8 players although a Double 9 set is suitable for 6 or less players. Each domino holder (called the rack) is divided into three sections. The bottom section contains slots for holding up to seven dominoes. The center section holds six dominoes and the top section holds one domino which is for the discarded dominoes. To begin play, place the entire set of dominoes face down on the table and mix up the tiles. This will become the boneyard from which players will have a choice from which to draw. Note: Players may also draw from face up dominoes located on each players discard section of their player rack. Place the direction token in the center of the table with the Clockwise direction arrow facing up. Determine who will start first using any number of methods such as draw for high point, etc. Any number of players from 2 to 8 may play but at least 3 are needed to make use of the clockwise and counterclockwise rules described in the RULES OF DOUBLES section below. The game starts by having each player take 6 dominoes from the boneyard and placing them in the tray area of their rack. The first player starts by taking one additional domino from the boneyard and adding it to their tray. The player then arranges these 7 dominoes to obtain the best sequential train they can form. This is the only time you will have more than 6 dominoes in your tray! At the completion of your play, you will be discarding one of the 7 dominoes. The domino at the head of this train is then placed in the center section of their rack in the first empty space nearest the top of the rack. The player must then discard one domino from their tray face up to the space in the top of the rack. You want to try to play your highest numbers as soon as possible because whatever is left in your tray is counted against you at the end of the round. At the completion of each play there should always be a total of six dominoes between a player's tray and the six playing spaces on the rack. (This does not include the space for one domino at the top of the rack used for discards). After each of the players has completed their first round of play, there should now be one domino from each player in the top section of their rack facing up. These dominos are now available to be taken in lieu of drawing from the boneyard. Each round of play consists of drawing one domino, playing a domino if possible (to the center of their rack), and then removing and discarding one domino face up to the top of their rack in the discard section so that you are always left with six dominos in play between your tray and that of your train. The center section of each rack contains six vertical recessed areas in which your sequential train is playe