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This design is not new. It 'has been around' on Thingiverse for a while. It's there in all sorts of formats (mostly suitable for lasercutting). But until now it wasn't available in 3D printable format. Since I've wanted to print this for a while I've been searching and waiting, hoping to find an printable version. No luck so far!
Therefore I spend some time (quite some time actually) to change the file to an .STL 3D printable format myself.
I had to scale it down to 80% and regroup the parts. The size of the thing is still impressive as you can see on the photographs. All the plates now fit any average printer bed. If your printer bed allows it, you could scale it back up if you like.
The thickness of the parts are 1.8 mm., so it will print in 0.2 and 0.3 mm layers.
I've printed this dragon puzzle using Form Futura' s see through HD-glass filament. This PET type material works nicely with a puzzle since it's strong but still a little flexible. Off course you can also use ABS or PLA. Before you start: be warned! There are over 100 pieces!
This is where you can find one of the originals: