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This model is base on the Allison 1000 automatic transmission. Is not an exact replica but the basic design and functionality are the same. The most significant difference from the real transmission is the C1 and C2 clutches that I design to work with 3D printed parts and solenoids.
Gear ratios:
1st: 3.20
2nd: 1.86
3rd: 1.43
4th: 1
5th: 0.70
6th: 0.60
R: 4.41
Assembly video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvhICaIRjOY
I made the lower part of the case quite big so there's room to put solenoids to engage all the clutches and even a parking pawl to control them with switches or even change gears automatically with something like Arduino.
The selector 3D model is here: http://www.thingiverse.com/thi...
For more information about how to make the electrical part to control the solenoids, go to my project page where I show the circuit diagram and arduino sketches: https://sites.google.com/site/...
Here's the Arduino sketch and circuit for controlling the solenoids: https://123d.circuits.io/circuits/1579637. This sketch uses a potentiometer as the selector, and a switch for manual mode. In Drive mode will change between all gears sequentially after a period of time.
There's a second sketch for realistic operation where changes gears automatically considering speed and how much the pedal is depress (require a speed sensor on the output and a potentiometer for the pedal). Also has manual mode, manual override, delay engaging clutches, display, etc. If you want this sketch, go to the project page.
There is also an adapter to fit this transmission to the Toyota 4 Cylinder 22RE Engine made by ericthepoolboy. This is the adapter: http://www.thingiverse.com/thi...
I don't have a 3D printer so I would appreciate any feedback from people that printed one to improve the model. Still, I check all parts on Cura to make sure all is ready to print, except the orientation. You will have to rotate some parts to print it in the optimum way to have the least overhanging and warp.
A special thanks to the user RobinSwa for helping me improve the model by testing it and giving me useful feedback.
Last Update: 06/05/2016