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Small Sailboat hull designed for the Make It Float challenge. It is all designed around being able to be printed on a my printrbot simple XL. If printing goes well I might make a remote controlled version. The Design of the hull is an original design that plays off of design characteristics of many full size sailboats. My design goal was to create a hull that was very printer friendly yet still reminiscent of a real sailboat. All parts were designed using Sketchup. The hull is designed to be printed with no need for support material if parts are set up like in the print setup file. The Hull pieces are designed to print at 75% or higher infill. The bow and stern pieces can be printed at a lower infill 10% should be more then enough. I am planing on printing soon and will make note if infill needs to be changed. The keel and rudder parts should be printed at 100% infill. The Hull is designed to be printed by any experience level and the assembly should be also able to be finished with little experience in 3D printing or modeling. Tools: -Hobby Knife -CA Glue -Hand Drill + Drill Index -Sandpaper (80 Grit) Good Luck Printing!!

Update #1 6/22/2015 MKII I finished the initial design of the hull, keel and rudder. I have printed the keel and rudder with good success I have posted pics of both of them finished. The keel has 34 dimes in it to act as counter balance. I am going to start printing the hull tomorrow hopefully. I have redesigned almost ever part of the hull. I added pin locators to the hull panels. I also added areas in the hull to place more dimes to make sure the hull floats on the right water line.

Update 6/25/2015 The first of the hull pieces are coming off of the printer and I am very happy with the way they are printing. One of the things I always try to do is design around not needing any support materials. So far The design seems to be printing fine without needing any. I have also started to look into how I can add mounting locations for RC gear (servos, batteries, receiver). I want to make it so that only a few pieces would have to be reprinted to go from static to RC. I've also been working on the mast and rigging setup and should have those files posted soon. I do plan on putting together a instruction document but I am waiting for the first hull to be printed. It will contain information on how I printed each piece as well.

Update 6/29/2015 I am on the final stretch on printing the hull pieces then I move to the deck. So far every print has come out as designed with little to no post process clean up required. I have also decided to use hot glue over CA for the assembly of the hull. The hot glue allows me to push more glue between the seams to assure a tight seal. I have also done some work on the rudder. I re sized the bearing so that it has less play and also added a tiller. The tiller is set up to hook up to a servo if I do plan to add RC systems to the boat. I will post these files tonight. Hopefully water testing will start in just a few days! The hull is now fully printed! Working on a testing video which I hope to have posted very soon. I have also have started working on a stand to hold the boat when it is out of the water. Should have those files posted soon.

Update 7/2/2015 IT FLOATS!!! The hull is all together and tested now! It was also able to support the added load of ~3.2 lbs of coins. There were a few issues found after the testing though. The first major issue was print quality. Due to print hiccups there are a few micro cracks that allow water to inter into the hull. I plan to add some kind of an exterior coating to fix the leaks. I am working on printing the stand now and will post the files for it soon. Then onto printing the deck!

Update #3 7/16/2015 I have changed a few pieces of the hull. The stern and two rear panels have a new alignment system now. I also changed the bow so that it has less weight in it to help it float higher on the water line. I am printing the parts for the mast today and should have pics up very soon.

Design Files

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Reply6 years ago
Aerosol Internationaloffpage

This sailboat design is truly remarkable! The detailed updates and improvements you’ve made, from optimizing the hull pieces to adding RC system compatibility, show your dedication and ingenuity. The fact that it floats and can handle added weight is a testament to the strength of your design. It’s exciting to see how you’ve carefully considered every aspect, from the assembly process to water testing, making it accessible for creators of all skill levels.

For projects like this that involve precision and durability, it’s crucial to use high-quality materials and lubricants. If you’re looking for reliable solutions in the UAE, I recommend checking out these trusted suppliers: Marine Coolants and Antifreezes Suppliers in UAE, Mobil Marine Engine Lubricants, and Marine Greases Suppliers in Dubai. These products ensure optimal performance and longevity, perfect for advanced marine projects like this sailboat!

Reply2 months ago
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