Super Hexy Raspberry Pi 2 Case & Camera for Replicator 2

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Hexy Raspberry Pi 2 Model B case, with lots of hexy octo-vents. Connectors and SD card openings, except expansion header and the display header. I didn't need need those for my Astroprint. But wait, there's more! It has attachments to mount this to your OEM Makerbot Replicator 2 arms. I will revise once I get my aluminum arm upgrade, one day. It is the Thing that keeps on giving, you also get a super adjustable camera mount, with adjustability in the Y axis, Z axis and a pan axis. Enough adjustment to keep you away from trouble and still get the shot. I use this for my Astroprint setup. NOTE: Photos show alpha unit. All improvements were added to the design and the beta design is what you download here. The alpha unit works well enough for me, I don't need to print beta. But, if you look a the photos, you will see differences from the design files.

Design Files

File Size

2.55 MB
2.43 MB
3.09 MB
1.68 MB
3.45 MB


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