Airsoft Claymore Mine | Prototype

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Airsoft Claymore Mine | Prototype

Don't bother downloading the file, it's only the Firing Pin.

I am now entering the prototype testing phase of my latest claymore mine concept.

This is not a final design, just a prototype to test everything required for a final design. It is an HPA system with a sensitive trip wire system, and I'm working on getting an RF detonator functional (I'm having to learn electrical circuits, RF modules, and antennas as I go; none of which are easy).

After testing my first claymore mine, maybe you’ve seen it before, I realized I needed a more consistent source for high pressure gasses. So, I ran the options through my head and came up with a decent solution. I ordered the required components, modeled a new claymore, printed it, and did some testing. Testing didn’t go so well, so, I shelved the idea while I thought through some of the issues. I came up with some solutions but didn’t really have time to commit to another round of testing. That was well over a year ago, fast-forward to about 3 weeks ago.

I now have more free time than I want and decided to get this idea out while I can. I did some initial testing which went ok, then made some changes which looked encouraging. So, I decided to go to a full prototype and test everything at once. After modeling the first 3 versions, I came up with this design and printed it out, and so far everything is looking promising. Getting it up to pressures high enough to launch BB's 10-20 yards is my focus. Low pressures that can launch BB's ~10ft. have already been achieved in the initial tests, but that isn't good enough for me.

I'm committed to getting a functional mine, as I'm not far off now, but don't hold your breath, because (I'm sure) multiple engineers have attempted to do the same thing and have failed, that spring loaded mine included (IMO). And, I don't even have a college degree, just an active mind.

I'd share more details so people can follow along, but I don't want to put in all the work so someone else can steal the idea out from under me. So this one picture will have to do for now.

Update | Jun-03-22 works. HAHAHA. I'm getting instantaneous blasting of all 25 BB's, and with some power. I'm talking 20 yards easily, and at lower pressures than I was aiming for. Guess I over engineered this thing. This is exciting. I don't do social media, otherwise I would post a video somewhere. Maybe I'll start a YouTube channel or something, but I'm not really interested in that.

Only snag I am running into is locking the pressure in, which means I achieved more than I aimed for with less AND leaking pressure. But I'm not far off from maintaining pressure. One very small component is responsible for locking in the pressure, and I am aiming to keep it simple for you, the consumer (although I have an airsoft rifle, I haven't played since I was in high school. I have 5 paintball guns, that is more my lane).

I could get started on a final design, but I want to do more testing.

  • Once the Pressure can be maintained I want to test how long it maintains pressure; a full day at operational pressure is my goal because it is to be armed at base camp and carried for as long as needed
  • I want to knock it around while under pressure to ensure a sniper team can get into any position (standing, crouched, prone) and maneuver through any environment to arm it
  • I need to refine the trip wire mechanism to ensure it is in the "sweet-spot" of force required to trip and force required to remain armed
  • And I need to figure out if I can eliminate the pressure gauge or not. The design I went with would require a decent amount of pressure to turn it into a bomb, and even then not likely (I had stupid people in mind when designing this). This thing is so overengineered a car tire is more likely to explode in your face due to over pressurization than this thing.

Thinking > modeling > printing > testing > analyzing, this process takes time. And I like to procrastinate, and I have multiple final design options. So, please be patient.

Update | Jun-04-22

Well, that was fast. I came up with a new part and it maintains pressure now, can be knocked around without risk of accidental detonation, the trip wire is refined, and I came up with a solution to my gauge concerns. And, with higher pressures, BB's can be double stacked for twice the killing potential. I might get started on a final design soon. But, there's not as much interest as I thought. So, that means I can put this on the back burner again. Like Da Vinci, I have proven my concepts and have the first ever fully functional HPA prototype, which is good enough for me. I might put a video up to show off...maybe.

Design Files

File Size

Firing Pin.obj
71.8 KB


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