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Intended for 3d print at 15mm to 54mm scale.
Simple 3d-printable, modular road grid. Compatible with most tabletop miniature games.
This kit includes 6 model parts, allowing you to build a road grid that can be extended infinitely. All road parts have the same X and Y dimensions, and fit together without any modification needed. As long as the road is contiguous, it is guaranteed fit together at any and all junctions.
This is an addon to the original _Syndicate Roads_ model kit (and all parts are compatible), but can also be used as a standalone grid system. The main difference is that the road sections in this kit are not raised on a causeway. This kit contains an onramp to connect the low roads to the raised roads of the Syndicate Roads kit.
The default scale of the kit is 28mm. However, all model parts should function without problem at virtually any commonly used scale you want to print them at. Please note that the low roads may be too thin at 6mm scale and below.
Stylistically, this road kit works well with both the original _Syndicate Roads_ kit, and other architectural model kits by Sharedog Miniatures. See links below.
Detailed Model Parts List
This model kit contains:
- 1 Straight Road section
- 1 Corner section
- 1 Dead End section
- 1 Three-Way Junction section
- 1 Four-Way Junction section
- 1 Onramp