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Heavy ordnance gauss/plasma cannon. Intended to be used as a gun arm on a 40k titan, Battletech mech or any other kind of giant stompy robot used in tabletop games. The kit includes a couple of cannon variants with minor differences, mainly in order to make the cannon compatible with different models, franchises et cetera. More on that further down in this text. The kit also includes ladders, floodlights and a couple of different name signs, all purely decorative and optional. Now, on to the important question:
Will this cannon fit onto a 40k titan, knight or dreadnought, either from the regular 28mm scale games or the 6mm Adeptus Titanicus specialist game?
Short answer is I don't know for sure. I don't own any titan, knight or dreadnought miniature, so I have not been able to take exact measures for the gun arm connector. I've looked over a couple of images and assembly videos of warhammer titan models, and tried to replicate the way the "official" gun arms attach to the rest of the model. But you really need to look closely at the model renders provided on this product page and decide for yourself if this model kit is suitable for your intended purposes. I make no guarantees. You are welcome to contact me with questions, and if you buy the product and provide me with feedback, that would be greatly appreciated. If you can provide pointers for how the model kit should be altered (either for any 40k model, or any other franchise you intend to use the the cannon with), I can probably do that and send you an updated model free of charge.