Ball Lock Puzzle - 3D Printed by richard_swika
This print in PET+ was amazing. The bottom of the ball is round, not flat despite the huge overhang. The result is strong and smooth, with little or no warping. Now I am really liking the Madesolid PET+ filament. After my first print I thought it wasn't any good. Lots of stringing and sticking to the nozzle. After a few adjustment it's printing as good or better than anything else, and is super strong. It's also really slippery, good for moving joints. Note I only used a temp of 235 C, not the 250 C it says on the label. Support was already in the model, not done by slicer. The other settings were: 1.7mm retraction, 70 % speed for the outlines, 60 bed temp, First layer speed 25%.