Heaven's Stars - Constellations - Milky Way

Prints (0)


There are three main files

a. the whole sphere - stl name ... Heaven's Stars - Constellations - Milky Way

b. Heaven's Stars - Constellations - Milky Way (North)

c. Heaven's Stars - Constellations - Milky Way (South)

My proposal is to print file b and c with the poles on the bed and select full supports

Basic requirements: 3D Printer, nozzle 0.4mm diameter, build volume 250/210/210 mm

PLA filament

PrusaSlicer (recommended)

In case of PrusaSlicer i advice you to follow 

a. the instruction of joantabb that writes... In my case if I print with 0.8mm retraction I frequently get jams (At the BOTTOM of the PTFE) when I use 0.4mm retraction (with my Mk3's) I don't get jams. 


I followed her and mk3s working with PLA continuously for days with zero problems.

b. the instruction of bobstro that writes ...  I'm using (from memory): 0.25mm z distance - 75% xy distance - 3mm support spacing - 4 interface layers - 0.2mm interface layer spacing.


The assebly is so simple that no need instructions. North and South parts has 4 pin holes. 

In my case i align the 2 parts with pieces of a 3mm paper clip and glue.

A small history about this print, can be find in https://diaforos-3d.blogspot.com/

Design Files

File Size

Heaven's Stars - Constellations - Milky Way (South).stl
6.84 MB
Heaven's Stars - Constellations - Milky Way.stl
11.9 MB
7.7 KB
SemiCircular arm.stl
125 KB
Pin for SemiCircular arm.stl
10.4 KB
Heaven's Stars - Constellations - Milky Way (North).stl
5.88 MB


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