brock split ring for keys

Prints (0)


I designed this just for fun but they actually work quite well also. I was interested in seeing how to print two components together without them bonding. I used a 0.2mm print layer and a 0.2mm gap between the two rings. They stick together but don't fuse together and can be pried apart quite easily and then after that they are like a normal split ring

The rings are 20mm, 30mm, 40mm and 50mm inside diameter. The smaller rings are definitely stronger but all are useable. I printed them all as one set and it worked well. But I am including individual rings in case you don't want them all. Take note of the print settings though, they will be particularly important if printing one ring at a time.

More information about this design. and many many more, on my blog site...

Print Settings

Printer: JGAurora A3S

Rafts: No

Supports: No

Resolution: 0.4mm nozzle, 0.2mm layer height

Infill: 100%

Filament_material: PLA


I set the nozzle temp to 210 to ensure good fusing where desired, and then used the following settings to ensure a slow print so that the two layers of the split ring don't fuse together... Print Speed: 50mm/s Minimum Layer Time: 10s Minimum Speed: 10mm/s

Post-Printing, Splitting the ring

Once printed, lay on a flat surface and pry under the end of one of the coils. I used a small knife blade. Once you pry the end up slightly it will separate quite easily.

Design Files

File Size

brock split ring keyring 20191114 set.stl
163 KB
brock split ring keyring 20191114 50.stl
48.7 KB
brock split ring keyring 20191114 40.stl
48.1 KB
brock split ring keyring 20191114 20.stl
46 KB
brock split ring keyring 20191114 30.stl
47.3 KB


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