Ultibot Discovery Pro Endurance

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My quadcopter design. The qaudcopter features:

2 axis gimbal clean all-in-one design easy to print long flight times up to 15inch props max. 25X25 mm motor mount for big motors

Setup: Motors: MN4010 580KV Props: 15X5 ESC; 40 A Flight controller: HKpilot mega 2.7 with telemtry Battery: 4S 10000Mah, this will give about 25 minutes of flight time Gimbal controller: 2 axis gimbal controlelr Gimbal motors: 2206- 140 kv Video TX: 2G4 500Mw Video: RX: 2G4 13CH Radio TX: Ezuhf 8CH with diversity Radio RX: Ezuhf JR in FR Sky taranis Updates: 30/8/2015:

made the gimbal 15 mm lower, and also the frame, this means smaller frame, less printing time, less weight. added a angled camera mount for better view when flying forward. main frame changed for the gimbal, more nicer transition in the several extrusions


new mount for fpv camera and trasmitter.


new gimbal arm, it is thicker and more easier to print because i made the bottum flat. added a hole for the power wire in the top part of the frame.


improved landing gaer with more material, making it stronger. added more mountings holes for the gimbal controller and flight controller.


new more simple motor mount, first it was build out of 8 parts, now only 2. I combined the part together. reduce of failure points for more secure flight.

working on new way to store the battery, to make a more nicer looking quadcopter but, I am done developing this quacopter for now, it is time for the real world.


new gimbal design now integrated in the frame, make te frame a smalle amount longer to fit the new gimbal. refined gimbal working on new landing rear with motor mount


all new gimbal design, with more damping and more integrated in the frame


added a simple and small landing gear

Design Files

File Size

90.2 MB
33.8 MB
60.1 MB
50.1 MB
852 KB
21.3 MB
498 KB
7.13 MB
16.3 MB
8.54 MB
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