Antec TX1050B-EC SOHO case - front door hinge

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A replacement hinge for the front case door of the Antec TX1050B-EC SOHO file server case.

RECOMMENDED: Printing in PETG for extra flexibility,  though managed to create it in PLA without breaking the important bits too. PRINTED (as seen): On a Prusa MK3S with MMU2S, 0.15mm layer size, in Prusament Jet Black PETG It wasn't designed as a 1:1 match to the original, being (perhaps over zealously) reinforced, so there's room for improvement in the material-usage department. However, its outside dimensions fit perfectly into the existing slots. Main image shows the original (minus the broken off part) and  this print side-by-side. If you're like me and managed to break the hinge, and yet you're still rocking this ancient case, I hope this will help.  :) 

Design Files

File Size

68.4 KB


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