Mountain Brook Trout, iPhone 5/5s Case

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This is the Mountain Brook Trout iPhone 5/5s case! Check out my other iPhone case designs including the Tree of Life, Honeycomb, StickMan, Standard Issue, etc. If you really like the design and you don't have a 3D printer or you just want a great quality print shipped to you today, then go over to and order one from my 3DHub! Thank you!

Design Files

File Size

iPhone5sCaseBrookTrout - Part 1.stl
4.57 MB


Erik S. Larratt
Hey, I really like the Trout design, however you have a major flaw in your iPhone cases; it is nearly impossible to operate the buttons of the phone when using your cases. A simple design change would solve that problem. Thanks!
Reply10 years ago
Hi Erik. I have a couple questions. I noticed that the top button is difficult for me to operate but the others are fine in respect to my specific use case. Human hands have a huge variance although I have larger than normal hands (8" from bottom of palm to top of middle finger). What size are you suggesting for the button holes? And, for frame of reference, how big are your hands/finger?
Reply10 years ago
Also, forgot to recommend sending me a picture to I appreciate the feedback!
Reply10 years ago
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