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Having only found models on-line that were suitable for rendering, not printing, I decided to make my own!
Check out for a more controllable look of the city, you can even go first person and pretend you are flying a puddle jumper around! Video here
AtlantisCity is how I decided to put it together however I have included the city's base and buildings as separate STL's so you can make your own layout! Each of the buildings has a different look from each side so you can re-use them just by rotating them and it will look like a different building. If you come up with your own building please message me :)
The rules I used when designing them are: It has all been designed with my FABtotum in mind so wall thickness's and overhangs are right for me but may not be for your printer. The main thing will be the wall thickness's, they are multiples of 0.4mm to go with my 0.35mm extruder.
I would recommend printing the base and building separately then glueing the buildings on as you see fit, it will make the final product cleaner. I have also included the base as 7 seperate files so it can be produced on smaller printers.
I know the curved building is upside down, just how I made it :p
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