Designed by
Kids’ 3D Academy

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Hi my name is Eric Zhang! I am an 11 year old student from the Jackson Walnut Park School in Newton. In my zipline design I use string to make the line, and the two poles that you see in the picture are the things that hold the string. You should tape down the two poles to make sure that the string is tight. The slider and hook print separately then they can be glued together afterwards. You can attach the person that I made or anything to the hook and zip it down the zipline! I hope you like my design!
Design Files
File Size
Taller Pole--OutdoorsIndoorsContest.stl
480 KB
57.9 KB
Shorter Pole-OutdoorsIndoorsContest.stl
424 KB
541 KB
Person Arm.stl
872 KB
Person Body.stl
1.13 MB
Person Head.stl
525 KB
Person Leg.stl
795 KB