3D Printed Exoskeleton Arms

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Ever wanted to 3D print your own exoskeleton arms? Well now you can.

What you are downloading is the result of countless hours of test printing to give you the most freedom of movement whilst still feeling strong and solid. I feel that this model brings us one step closer to Matt Damon's exoskeleton suit from Elysium. All of the parts were printed on my Up Plus 2 which has a build area of 14cm x 15cm x 15cm. Please note : This is only a digital download (STL file) used on a 3-D printer, not a physical item.

Download the Instruction Manual >>> Exoskeleton Arms Assembly Instructions

***Disclaimer – 3D Print It will not be liable for personal injury resulting from negligent use of this product. Please use the 3D Printed Exoskeleton with care and do not cause harm to others. The purchasing of this product does not award the customer the rights to use this 3D model for monetary gain or re-sale. The designer retains all copyrights and intellectual property rights even after these files are sold. Do not distribute the 3D Printed Exoskeleton STL files. The files that you have bought are for your personal use only. 

Copyright (c) Alex Czech 2015 


Design Files

File Size

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This looks so crazy!
Reply10 years ago
Alex Czech
Thanks! It would look even better with a paint job.
Reply10 years ago
Holy— any plans to design more pieces to the suit?!
Reply10 years ago
Alex Czech
At the minute I'm working on a motorized version of the hands which will be controlled by muscle signals but eventually I will do the full suit.
Reply10 years ago
Any chance you could include a link in the description to the instructions on how to assemble this? Great design!
Reply10 years ago
Alex Czech
Hi Nick can you tell me if the link in the description is working for you? If not the link is: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B59abIYtgFR5a0dqb2JTYTBNV2c/view?usp=sharing Thanks! I'm planning on designing a motorized version of the hands and eventually the arms.
Reply10 years ago
This is really good. Recently it is discovered that 3D printed prosthetic can help a great deal in reducing the cost and increasing the customizability. Though 3D printed exoskeletons might need some more development to actuate them effectively but as of now it can help quadriplegics who can't walk or move due to reasons like partially paralysis, accidents etc. There are people who are really in need of such innovation. It's a great idea.
Reply10 years ago
hlide dev
Very interesting work. I wonder if it can easily integrate some sensors on joints and rollers to get enough information to reconstruct a virtual body and be used as a VR controller. A full suit would be more amazing as well.
Reply9 years ago
Hey this is an awesome design and wanted to share an unusual use i came up with for it. I'm on a science Olympiad team and my event is robot arm. I'm thinking (probably doing) about printing this and the hands then hooking potentiometers to the joints and using it to control my robot arm by having my robot arm mimic my exoskeleton arm's movement.
Reply8 years ago
Alex Czech
Hey, It's great to hear people applying their own uses to this project. Every time I hear a story like this it makes me want to keep working on it! When you complete it can you send a photo or video to australia3dprintit@gmail.com. Thanks!
Reply8 years ago
Hello, Alex. I'm the mother of a child with cerebral palsy. I think your invention can help us a lot in rehabilitation. Have you already made a robotic version of the whole hand? Can you help us?
Reply7 years ago
Alex Czech
Hi there, I only design this as a recreational costume. I have made a motorised version of the hand, however, it still very basic and can only open and close. Maybe with the help of a physio it could be adapted. I don’t know how much work it would be.
Reply7 years ago
Hi, awesome design thanks for it ;) , i've buy the kit on the old 3Dprintlt site and it's not possible to download the file anymore, i have proof of the purchase, how can i get it ?
Reply4 years ago
Alex Czech
Sorry this took 2 years to respond, haven't checked Pinshape in a long time! Send me an email to australia3dprintit@gmail.com and I'll send the files to you.
Reply2 years ago
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