Modular Synthesizer Control Keyboard

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Multi-part design for synthesizer controller keyboard, the DIY synthesizer designer's dream! Modular design allows you to print as many sections as you need. Need another octave of keys? Print all you want?  Want 5 modulation wheels? You can do it! This design has many useful features for the DIY synthesizer designer! The front panel has a grid embossed on the back for easy drilling of holes for knobs and sliders; never worry about the drill sliding away from you again! The bottom includes mounting holes for screwing down circuit boards. The edges have grooves in them so that the parts will not jump out of alignment. The whole design is designed to be fastened together at the ends with threaded rods through all of the parts. The parts are currently designed at a very small scale so that you can scale it up to any size that you need. The file "keyboard6.stl" is an exploded view with all of the parts, and is only for an overview of the design, not for printing. Note: A lot of folks were having trouble with non-manifold geometry in the original version, so I used a tool to repair all of the files. This might lead to some of the screw holes being strange, but I think it will probably print correctly now.

Design Files

File Size

296 KB
114 KB
665 KB
169 KB
301 KB
110 KB
162 KB
458 KB
162 KB
114 KB
475 KB
310 KB
329 KB
keyboard 6.stl
84 Bytes


I'm having a lot of trouble trying to get this thing manifold.
Reply10 years ago
I just uploaded a repaired version. Redownload and let me know how it works for you.
Reply9 years ago
Featured in Pinshape's staff picks, week of 30 October, 2015:
Reply9 years ago
amazing design! I'm printing all the pieces now. None of my programs are opening the "exploded view file" though, so I'm having difficulty piecing this puzzle. Is there another way I can see it together?
Reply4 years ago
David Young3
Most of all in this I'm inspired by pictures and non-standard design solutions. For me, to some extent, this is a source of inspiration. This source also inspires me a lot I find not only the necessary tools and stock content but also new ideas and non-standard solutions.
Reply3 years ago
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