Garden labels

Prints (0)


My wife wanted something useful 3d printed and suggested a plant tag, so this is what I came up with after a little fiddling around.   Print with 0.4 nozzle 0.2 layer height and first layer printed at 25% normal speed. I have supplied 2 versions. One is just the tags, but as I have that  found that my printer's bed  tends to bend the ends up even on short prints,  the second file has extra plates added to the end and extending out to the edges of my bed (200mm across)  I have also added a file for the clip(s) I used to fasten the outer edges of the print so that it will not bend (as much) They fit very nicely and are very useful for holding patch leads together as well (Thanks again Pinna) Print these the same as above, but with a brim of 3mm to make sure that it stays on the print bed. I use my wife's crab apple jelly as the glue to hold the prints down to the glass bed.  These extras are only 0.7 mm thick so as soon as the print has finished with these you can pause the printer and add the clips. Seems a waste of filament, but it saves having to print them again. Take your pick.

Design Files

File Size

Plant tag3.stl
252 KB
Plant tagextension.stl
255 KB
1.28 MB


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